About Us

Who We Are

Home cooks are our heroes—it’s as simple as that. Allrecipes is a community built by and for kitchen experts: The cooks who will dedicate the weekend to a perfect beef bourguignon but love the simplicity of a slow-cooker rendition, too. The bakers who labor over a showstopping 9-layer cake but will just as happily doctor boxed brownies for a decadent weeknight dessert. The entertainers who just want a solid snack spread, without tons of dirty dishes at the end of the night.


Most importantly, Allrecipes connects home cooks with their greatest sources of inspiration — other home cooks. We’re the world’s leading digital food brand, and that inspires us to do everything possible to keep our community connected. Sixty-million home cooks deserve no less.

Our History

Founded in 1997 as therecipeslab.online, Allrecipes changed the food world by providing the tools to share recipes and cooking tips, while celebrating the expertise of home cooks online. Since then, Allrecipes has become the world’s largest community-driven food brand, providing trusted resources to more than 60 million home cooks each month. 


Every day, cooks from around the world publish recipes and inspire one another through recipe photos, ratings, reviews, and videos. The combination of the Allrecipes community with our team of editorial and kitchen professionals provides authority found nowhere else on the internet and has turned the brand into an indispensable resource for cooks of all skill levels.


You can connect with us and our 11M followers on social media, too. On TikTok, learn how you should store avocados or find out if air fryer coconut shrimp lives up to the hype. On Facebook and Pinterestyou can browse easy weeknight meals and scour reviews of the world’s best air fryers. Find photo-worthy dinner inspiration on Instagram. And on YouTube, cook along with Chef John, who serves up creative, new recipes weekly — alongside a few good laughs thanks to his well-timed puns. 

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